Raising funds for people and animals in need
By Tony Lourens
Wow! The Climb4Hope annual fundraising event has really grown over the last three years, from only 20 or so in the first year to over 50 this year (and counting).
Again it was a great and successful event, with approximately 50% of the field consisting of hikers and the other 50% of climbers. And it was great to see that there was a much greater turnout of climbers this year than in previous years, many local climbers, but also many who came in specially from Cape Town, including a team from CityRock climbing centre – a really great turnout!
A bright an early 6am registration and start at De Bos, saw the field scatter in a myriad directions. Hikers going for various options. Some, with young children, opting for more leisurely trails like the Montagu Nature Garden, while others went more extreme and ticked off the summit of Bloupunt, and lots of stuff in between. The climbers also took to the hills, but those were of a more vertical nature. Here again there were some who went for more leisurely crag outings, while others got quite serious about proceeding, like Toni and Brenda, who ticked off the entire Legoland – all 28 routes! I don’t think that has ever been done before. Quite remarkable!
From 4.30pm, tired and worn out participants started returning to the De Bos to hand in their “race cards” and also their sponsorship forms. It was refreshing and quite amusing to listen to the many stories and minor epic journeys of the day. By 6pm most participants were semi refreshed and recongregated at De Bos for the closing ceremony, prize giving and the social braai. Once again, this year, like last year, the Climb4Hope event took place in the lowest dip of the Covid waves, so people could at least have a bit of a social without hiding behind sheets of plastic.
The sponsors really came to the party this year, so we had tons of prizes to give away. In fact I don’t think anyone walked away empty handed. And each of the three beneficiaries had a chance to come forward and tell us about the wonderful work they do for their respective organizations:
DKMS (Sunflower Fund): For their tireless work in the field of bone marrow transplant
Eseltjiesrus Donkey Sanctuary: For their deep love and care for all things donkey
Animals Matter Langeberg: For their incredibly selfless work helping animals in the Langeberg area
Although much fun was had by all, Climb4Hope is all about raising funds. Last year, we doubled the first year’s taking, reaching R70 000. This year we had a target of R100 000, and at the end of the day, with still quite a bit uncounted for, we had already reached in excess of R80 000, so it definitely seems that our 100k goal is well within reach. A really fantastic effort by all, some people bringing in close to R10 000 single handed – quite a remarkable achievement.
Thank you to everybody who took from their time to come support this event and raise these funds. To all the many people who pledged money to the causes, and of course a huge thank you to all our sponsors: CORE Merino, Black Diamond, Petzl, The North Face, Adventure Inc, Cape Union Mart, Outdoor Warehouse, Sportsmans Warehouse, Sanbona, CityRock, Montagu Country Hotel, Montagu Snacks, Montagu Local, Montagu Cheese and local artist, Belinda Hewer. And a huge big thank you to Tracy and Andy of De Bos for hosting the event in brilliant style, once again! – from their entertaining donkeys, to doing an exceptional job with the braaing and food, with delicious brownies from The Pastry Place. Thanks also to the Montagu Tourism Office – for your sponsorship and all the exposure you gave the event, and for getting us free entry to Badkloof – much appreciated.
Hope to see all of you next year and many others as well. Our goal for next year will be R150 000, so come prepared!
For more info on our three beneficiaries please visit:
DKMS (Sun Flower Fund): www.dkms-africa.org/
Eseltjierus: www.donkeysanctuary.co.za